
Sunday 3 November 2013

Shiitake truffle risotto with asparagus

- arborio rice
- vegetable stock / zeleninový vývar
- shiitake mushrooms / huby shiitake
- asparagus / špargľa
- shallots / šalotky
- butter / maslo
- parmigiano-reggiano / parmezán
- thyme / tymíán
- saffron / šafrán
- salt / soľ
- garlic / cesnak
- black pepper / čierne korenie
- parsley / petržlenová vňať
- black truffle / hľuzovka
- black truffle olive oil / olivový olej s hľuzovkou

Sunday 6 October 2013

Rice vermicelli with vegan satay sauce and enoki mushrooms

Rice vermicelli
- carrot
- leek
- onion
- spring onion
- red chilli peppers
- enoki mushrooms
- fresh coriander
- ginger
- garlic
- extra virgin olive oil

- pineapple
- onions
- garlic
- galangal
- lemon grass
- chilli
- kaffir lime leaves
- sugar
- salt
- oil

Sunday 1 September 2013

Wild mushroom soup

- mixed wild mushrooms / lesné huby
- potatoes / zemiaky
- onion / cibuľa
- chives / pažitka
- parsley / petržlenová vňať
- garlic / cesnak
- thyme / tymián
- salt / soľ
- black pepper / čierne korenie
- ground cayenne pepper / mleté čili
- truffle oil (to serve) / hľuzovkový olej (pred podávaním)

- nasturtium (edible flower) / jedlý kvet

Okra green beans rice vermicelli

- rice vermicelli / rýžové vermicelli
- green beans / zelene fazuľky
- okra
- carrot / mrkva
- plum tomatoes (tomato sauce) / paradajky
- onion / cibuľa
- chillies / čili paprčky
- extra virgin olive oil / panenský olivoý olej
- young coconut (blended with water) / mladý kokos (rozmixovaný s vodou)
- salt / soľ
- dried chives / sušená pažitka
- ground spanish paprika / mletá španielska paprika
- black sesame seeds / čierny sezam

Summer fruit mix muffins

Mix 1:
- wheat flour / pšeničná múka
- rye flour / ražná múka
- baking powder (without phosphate) / kypriaci prášok bez fosfátov
- eggs / vajíčka
- coconut oil / kokosový olej
- maca powder / maca prášok
- poppy seeds / mak
- brown sugar / hnedý cukor
- blackberries / černice
- cocoa powder / kakao

Mix 2:
- wheat flour / pšeničná múka
- rye flour / ražná múka
- baking powder (without phosphate) / kypriaci prášok bez fosfátov
- eggs / vajíčka
- coconut oil / kokosový olej
- maca powder / maca prášok
- poppy seeds / mak
- brown sugar / hnedý cukor
- lavender / levanduľa
- dried turkish apricots / sušené marhule

Thursday 4 July 2013

Raspberry ravioli with mint - Molecular gastronomy

Sodium alginate
Calcium lactate

1. Dissolve 1 tsp of sodium alginate in 2 cups of water. Set aside for 10-15 minutes.
2. Blend raspberries with 1/2 tsp of calcium lactate and 1 tbsp of sugar.
3. Place raspberry mixture into sodium alginate bath with use of teaspoon. Leave it inside for 3-4 minutes.
4. Carefully transfer ravioli into clean water.
5. Serve.

Saturday 29 June 2013

Roasted pumpkin (inspired by Ottolenghi)

Pumpkin wedges

- lemon zest / citronova kora
- garlic / cesnak
- ginger / zazvor
- parsley / petrzlenova vnat
- parmigiano reggiano / parmezan
- salt / sol
- cayenne pepper / chili
- thyme / tymian
- extra virgin olive oil / olivovy olej

- mibuna salad
- balsamic vinegar / balsamikovy ocot
- smoked paprika / udena paprika
- salt / sol
- extra virgin olive oil / olivovy olej

Mix all ingredients and cover pumpkin wedges with it
Oven - 190 celsius
30 min

Monday 3 June 2013

Quick fresh salad with hummus

lettuce | plum tomatoes | cucumber | radish | olives | red chilli peppers | turkish feta | black pepper | pink salt | extra virgin olive oil | basil

hummus | ground cayenne pepper | chives | olives | extra virgin olive oil

Friday 17 May 2013

Chicken skewer tortilla

chicken skewer - chicken breast | courgette | red onion | turmeric | ginger | garlic | pink salt | extra virgin olive oil | ground cumin | paprika | black pepper | ground coriander

tortilla | guacamole | tomato | green pepper | orange habanero | parsley

Saturday 27 April 2013

Spicy chicken drumsticks with leek and sprouts

chicken drumsticks | Indonesian soy sauce - kecap manis | chili | extra virgin olive oil | salt | garlic | ground cumin

fresh broccoli sprouts | leek | balsamic vinegar | pinch of salt | basil

Sunday 21 April 2013

Balsamic pearls | Easy molecular gastronomy

Balsamic pearls
- balsamic vinegar
- agar agar

1. Put olive oil in tall glass and let it cool down in freezer for at least 30 minutes
2. Bring to boil 100ml of vinegar with 1/2 tsp of agar agar. Then transfer to glass and let it cool down to approximately 50 °C.
3. Fill syringe with hot balsamic vinegar and expel it drop by drop into cold olive oil.
4. Transfer into container with cold water. Stir well until the pearls separate then remove.
5. Serve

Friday 19 April 2013

Raw avocado banana puding


- avocado
- banana
- honey
- squeeze of lemon
- cocoa powder
- grated coconut

Blend all the ingredients together.

Thursday 4 April 2013

Spicy-sour broth with lentils

Green lentils - boiled with dried limes, garlic and salt

broccoli, cauliflower, carrot and tomato broth with smoked jalapeño peppers, oregano, salt and fresh limes  

Saturday 30 March 2013

Kimchi rice-pasta with mushrooms

- rice pasta
- kimchi (cut into small pieces)
- mushrooms
- onion
- garlic
- chili
- salt
- butter

1. cook sliced onion with butter for 3-4 minutes on medium heat
2. add mushrooms and cook 6-7 minutes
3. add kimchi (with juice), chopped garlic, chili and pinch of salt and cook for another 4-5 minutes on high heat
4. stir in the pasta and serve

Easter meal

- smoked ham
- sausage

- potato salad (potatoes, carrots, peas, boiled eggs, pickles, mayonnaise, black pepper, salt, cream)
- syrek | Easter cheese (cooked milk and eggs with salt, black pepper and chopped parsley)

- beetroot mash (cooked mashed beetroot with ground cumin and vinegar)
- horseradish

Thursday 28 March 2013

Mash & kimchi

half mashed potatoes with knob of butter and onion
roasted carrots, mushrooms and onion
thyme, nigella seeds, pink salt, pinch of ground cayenne pepper, extra virgin olive oil and virgin avocado oil


Friday 22 March 2013

Avocado spread

- avocado (3pcs)
- small onion, finely chopped
- cucumber (1/2), finely chopped
- lime (1-2)
- salt
- ground green pepper
- ground coriander
- parsley, finely chopped
- broccoli sprouts
- beetroot sprouts

Tuesday 19 March 2013

Okra-chickpea stew

- okra
- chickpeas
- tomatoes (diced)
- onion
- carrot
- ground black pepper
- pink salt
- fresh chopped parsley
- turmeric powder
- cayenne pepper (tiny bit)
- water
- chicken stock

Tuesday 12 March 2013

Chicken tights with spinach-potato mash

- chicken tights
- ketjap manis (Indonesian sweet soy sauce)
- thyme
- pink salt
- cayenne pepper
- ground coriander
- extra virgin olive oil

- potatoes
- spinach
- garlic
- butter
- pink salt

1. Mix together all ingredients for chicken except the oil and let marinade for 20-30 minutes
2. Cook potatoes in salted water until falling apart
3. Melt butter, add garlic for 1-2 minutes, add chopped spinach and steam for about 10 minutes on low heat
4. Heat the oil and add chicken tights, cook on both sides for approximately 5 minutes (each side), add little bit of water and steam for another 15-20 minutes
5. Mash potatoes and spinach together, add some salt if necessary
6. Serve with some sesame seeds

Thursday 14 February 2013

Wild mushroom lentils with courgette-tomato stew

- red lentils
- dried wild mushrooms (birch bolete)
- salt
- chilli

- onion
- courgette
- tomatoes
- extra virgin olive oil

A Matter of Taste - Bibendum's annual tasting 2013

After short trip to Paris we went first time to the Bibendum's annual tasting. Winemakers came to represent their products from almost every part of the World. Visitors had a great opportunity to try some really exciting wines and discover countries that are less represented in UK, such as Brasil, Uruguay or Greece. In addition to all the wines you could try some interesting spirits, beers and ice cream (alcoholic) desserts.

Po našom parížskom výlete sme sa pozvali na výročný tasting Bibendum, na ktorý prišli reprezentovať svoje vína producenti z celého sveta. My sme sa zamerali na vína, ktoré sú v Británii trošku pomenej reprezentované, a síce Brazília, Uruguaj či Grécko. Ku koncu sme si vychutnali aj nejaký alkohol a zmrzlinu.

Charles Smith's wines and his interesting labels.
Vína Charlesa Smitha a veľmi zaujímavé etikety.

Garage Wine Co from Chile has charmed us with their Perverso NV from Maule Valley, Old Vine Carignan (dry-farmed, 2010) and Cabernet Franc (2010).

Producent Garage Wine Co from Chile nás očaril svojimi vínami ako sú Perverso NV z Maule Valley, Old Vine Carignan (nezavlažované pôdy, 2010) a Cabernet Franc (2010).

Valdivieso and their Single Vineyard Wild Fermented Sauvignon Blanc 2010 and 2011 from Leyda has put a smile on our faces. After 6 months in barrels there wines are just ready to be served!

Valdivieso a ich Single Vineyard Wild Fermented Sauvignon Blanc 2010 a 2011 z Leyda nám vyčarilo úsmevy na tváričkách. Po 6 mesiacoch strávených v sudoch sú úplne parádne na popíjanie.

                        Regions of Spain.                                                     Portugal. 

                   Španielske regióny trochu inak.                         Zelené vína z Portugalska.

                                     Gin.                                                         Almond sorbet / Mandľový sorbet

Friday 8 February 2013

Australian wine 2013

On 31st of January we had a chance to visit Independent and On-trade Tasting 2013 that was held in Australia House in London divided into Cinema Hall and Exhibition Hall presenting over 600 australian wines from 52 producers/distributors.

31. januára sa v priestoroch londýnskeho Australia House konal Independent and On- trade Tasting 2013 rozdelený na dve podlažia - Kinosály a Výstavnej haly, ktoré nám predstavili vyše 600 austrálskych vín od 52 producentov/dodávateľov.

In front of Cinema Hall entrance where were first 22 tables of this event.

Pred vstupom do kinosály, kde sa nachádzalo prvých 22 stolov.

TappaNappa wines belong to Brian Croser who produces a small quantity of fine wine each year in three specific vineyard sites: The Whalebone Vineyard (in Wrattonbully) - mostly red wines such as Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc and Merlot; The Tiers Vineyard in Piccadilly Valley (since 1979) - Chardonnay; Foggy Hill vineyard where  Pinot Noir is grown. Besides many interesting wines we had a chance to try Merlot and Cabernet Franc from the vineyard Whalebone (mentioned above) vintage 2008, that was bottled only this January (2013). Simply - great fruity nose, delicious taste with hint of mint.

TappaNappa je značka patriaca Brianovi Croserovi, ktorý každoročne vyrobí malé množstvá tohto kvalitného vína, pestovaného na troch miestach: vinica Whalebone (vo Wrattonbully) - hlavne červené vína ako Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc a Merlot; vinica Tiers v údoli Piccadilly (od roku 1979) - Chardonnay; vinica Foggy Hill, kde pestujú Pinot Noir.
My sme okrem iného z tejto produkcie mali možnosť ochutnať Merlot, Cabernet Franc z vyššie spomenutej vinice Whalebone, ročník ktorého je síce 2008, no fľašované bolo v januári 2013. Jednoducho, krásna vôňa, lahodná chuť s nádychom mäty. 

Exhibition Hall with remaining 30 tables.

Výstavná sála a ďalších 30 stolov.

After all the whites we decided to try we started tasting reds at this table. Yabby-Lake is subregion of Moorooduc (Mornington Peninsula). Toma Carson is producing wine with help of viticulturalist Keith Harris. Their Pinot Noir have been awarded the highest scores in James Halliday Guide. We started with Chardonnay (Single Vineyard, 2010). It has really nice oaky tones and it's "gassy" on the nose. Their Pinot (Single Vineyard, 2010) had beautiful fruity nose (for me it was blueberries) delicious taste with little bit higher tannins. These wines are available in Swig's portfolio.

Po degustovaní bielych vín sme pri tomto stole presedlali na vína červené. Yabby-Lake je subregión v Moorooduc (Mornington Peninsula). Producentom vína je Toma Carson, o vinice sa stará Keith Harris. Táto značka získala za Pinot Noir najvyššie hodnotenia vôbec, v James Halliday Guide. My sme chutnali Chardonnay (Single Vineyard, 2010), s krásnou sudovou chuťou pre mňa (Peťo tam cítil plyn), ktoré okrem iného získalo tri ocenenia za najlepšie Chardonnay v súťaži Melbourne Wine Show. Chutnali sme aj legendárne Pinot Noir, ktoré malo vôňu čučoriedkového koláča, lahodnú chuť a kúsok viac tanínov (Single Vineyard, 2010). Do Londýna ich dováža spoločnosť Swig na čele s veľmi sympatickým Damonom, ktorý si nás odniekiaľ pamätal.... (nevieme odkiaľ)

We were most amazed by brand Cumulus represented by Michael totally passionate about the whole concept of the brand and winery situated in New South Wales approximately 250 km west of Sydney. The vines are grown on volcanic soils on 508 hectares. They were planted in 1995 in altitude of approx. 600 m above sea level. Wines are divided into three ranges: Rolling, Climbing and Cumulus, expressing rises and falls. 

Najviac očarení sme však ostali značkou a fľašami značky Cumulus, ktorú v Londýne zabezpečuje Michael, veľmi milý pán s dierkou medzi zubami a jamkami v lícach, celý nadšený konceptom tejto značky. Vína pochádzajú z Nového Južného Walesu (sme v Austrálii), približne 250 km od Sydney. Kvalita vína pramení už zo samotnej vulkanickej pôdy o rozlohe 508 hektárov viníc, pestovaných od roku 1995, v nadmorskej výške okolo 600 m.n.m, okolo ktorej sa točí celá myšlienka. Vína sú rozdelené na radu Rolling, Climbing a Cumulus, ktoré vyjadrujú stúpanie do výšin a je to vidieť aj na etiketách. Z rady Climbing sme ochutnali Merlot (2011)- chutil ako žihľava, z rady Cumulus to bolo Chardonnay- zrejúce v dubových sudoch 18 mesiacoch a ľahučké Shiraz z roku 2009, na ktoré sme mali veľmi príjemné spomienky. 

Before we started tasting wines from Turkey Flat Vineyards ladies have mentioned that they loved my collar necklace. Their Shiraz was first time planted in 1843 in the heart of Australian Barossa, and  then the land was acquired by well-known butcher Gottlieb Ernst Schulz. Today the business is still family owned covering four different sub-regions and their wines sensitively speak of their origin. We tried Marsanne-Viognier-Roussanne (2011), Grenache (2010), Mourvédre (2010), Cabernet Sauvignon (2009) and Shiraz (2008).

Dámy od stola značky Turkey Flat Vineyards mi hneď na začiatku pochválili môj náhrdelník a mohli sme začať. V srdci austrálskej Barossy sa tento Shiraz začal pestovať od roku 1843, v roku 1865 vinice skúpil Gottlieb Ernst Schulz, známy mäsiar. Vinice patria rodine dodnes, pokrývajú štyri subregióny, vína ktorých hovoria ich charakteristickou chuťou samé za seba. Degustovali sme víno Marsanne- Viognier- Roussanne z roku 2011, Grenache (2010), Mourvédre (2010), Cabernet Sauvignon (2009) a Shiraz (2008).

Philip Shaw - we tried the blend of Shiraz - Viognier ( 2006). Wine had very nice aroma, taste and outstanding label.

Značka Philip Shaw, od ktorej sme chutnali kombináciu Shiraz-Viognier z roku 2006, malo veľmi dobrú vôňu, parádnu zadnú etiketu a fajn chuť. 

We wanted to mention these wines only because of  their interesting labels - THE ARCHITECT, THE DREAMER, THE WIRE WALKER, THE IDIOT. They weren´t so tasty, it´s like they were trying to balance their inside with the label.

Tieto vína spomeniem len pre zaujímavosť ich etikety - THE ARCHITECT, THE DREAMER, THE WIRE WALKER, THE IDIOT. Neboli veľmi dobré, akoby sa výzorom snažili vyvážiť chýbajúce vnútro.