
Thursday 14 February 2013

A Matter of Taste - Bibendum's annual tasting 2013

After short trip to Paris we went first time to the Bibendum's annual tasting. Winemakers came to represent their products from almost every part of the World. Visitors had a great opportunity to try some really exciting wines and discover countries that are less represented in UK, such as Brasil, Uruguay or Greece. In addition to all the wines you could try some interesting spirits, beers and ice cream (alcoholic) desserts.

Po našom parížskom výlete sme sa pozvali na výročný tasting Bibendum, na ktorý prišli reprezentovať svoje vína producenti z celého sveta. My sme sa zamerali na vína, ktoré sú v Británii trošku pomenej reprezentované, a síce Brazília, Uruguaj či Grécko. Ku koncu sme si vychutnali aj nejaký alkohol a zmrzlinu.

Charles Smith's wines and his interesting labels.
Vína Charlesa Smitha a veľmi zaujímavé etikety.

Garage Wine Co from Chile has charmed us with their Perverso NV from Maule Valley, Old Vine Carignan (dry-farmed, 2010) and Cabernet Franc (2010).

Producent Garage Wine Co from Chile nás očaril svojimi vínami ako sú Perverso NV z Maule Valley, Old Vine Carignan (nezavlažované pôdy, 2010) a Cabernet Franc (2010).

Valdivieso and their Single Vineyard Wild Fermented Sauvignon Blanc 2010 and 2011 from Leyda has put a smile on our faces. After 6 months in barrels there wines are just ready to be served!

Valdivieso a ich Single Vineyard Wild Fermented Sauvignon Blanc 2010 a 2011 z Leyda nám vyčarilo úsmevy na tváričkách. Po 6 mesiacoch strávených v sudoch sú úplne parádne na popíjanie.

                        Regions of Spain.                                                     Portugal. 

                   Španielske regióny trochu inak.                         Zelené vína z Portugalska.

                                     Gin.                                                         Almond sorbet / Mandľový sorbet

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