
Tuesday 28 January 2014

Savoury swirls | Slané slimáky

- puff pastry
- butter
- dijon mustard
- black olive pate
- cheddar
- black olives
- cherry tomatoes
- spring onions
- egg
- basil

1. Preheat the oven to 180 C.
2. Roll out the puff pastry, approximately 3mm thick.
3. Spread some thin butter slices and dijon mustard.
4. Now place cheddar slices in one line and fold dough over. Repeat with other ingredients (cherry tomatoes, black olive pate, spring onions and olives)
5. Whisk the egg and spread it on top with silicon brush.
6. Sprinkle with dried basil.
7. Bake about 30 minutes or until pastry turns golden.

Sunday 26 January 2014

Sweet potato cake with green quinoa salad

- sweet potatoes
- spinach
- leek
- red onion
- garlic
- fennel seeds
- paprika
- olive oil
- mature cheddar

- organic tricolor quinoa, handful
- rocket, 60g
- coriander 20-30g
- green chilli, 1-2
- roasted pistachios, handful
- onion
- ground cumin
- green herbal paste (coriander, parsley, taragon, dill and olive oil)

1. Cook diced sweet potatoes for 10 minutes.
2. Fry onion until soft, add leek and cook until done.
3. Heat olive oil, add diced garlic, ground paprika and fennel seeds and cook for 1 minute. Add sweet potatoes, onion with leek and thinly sliced spinach. Cook for another 3 minutes then leave it to cool down. After make patties and top them with grated cheddar. Bake on 200 degrees for 15-20 minutes.

1. Soak quinoa for 15 minutes, drain and wash throughly. For 1 cup of quinoa add 1 1/2 cups of water. Bring to boil then cover and simmer for 30 minutes with salt. Leave it to rest for another 5 minutes once all the water is absorbed. (you can use vegetable stock instead of water).
2. Put 20 grams of coriander, 20g of parsley, table spoon of dried dill, table spoon of tarragon and 1dcl of extra virgin olive oil to food processor and mix.
3. Combine cooked quinoa with paste.
4. Fry sliced onion until golden and little crunchy. Add cumin and cook for another minute.
5. Mix everything together.