
Wednesday 29 August 2012

Rhubarb- carob cakes /Rebarborovo- karobové koláčiky

Really easy cakes baked in muffin tray with choped rhubarb and carob. The first batch disappeared in 2 hours, so I made another one right away.
Basically, you mix 2 eggs, 1/2 cup of milk with 1/4 cup of liquid coconut oil and 1 cup of flour with 1/2 of cane sugar, 1/2 tea spoon of baking powder and 2- 3 spoons (up to you) of ground carob. Bake it for about 30 minutes and enjoy!

Úplne jednoduché koláčiky upečené vo vymastenej muffinovej forme s nasekanou rebarborou a pridaným karobom. Prvá várka zmizla rýchlo, tak sa urobila táto ďalšia.
V podstate sa tento recept stále opakuje tým, že sa zmiešajú vajcia, mlieko a kokosový olej s múkou, cukrom, kypriacim práškom a karobom. Nechá sa to 30 minút piecť a je to hotové. Delikatesa.

Saturday 25 August 2012

Tomato teriyaki jelly

- tomatoes
- tamarind
- salt
- lime
- herbs
- teriyaki sauce
- broccoli sprouts
- gelatine

- tuna
- salmon
- teriyaki sauce
- coconut oil
- carrot

Sunday 5 August 2012

Millet-cauliflower cake

- millet
- cauliflower
- courgette
- carrot
- alfalfa sprouts
- egg
- red onion
- salt
- black pepper
- hot curry
- cayenne pepper
- ground cumin

- curry infused butter

Served on:
- Nasturtium leaf
with Nasturtium flower

Nasturtiums are flower that are very easy to grow. Both the leaves and flowers of the plant are edible. Taste is very similar to cress.

Saturday 4 August 2012

Summer baked cauliflower

- cauliflower
(baked with mature cheddar cheese and black sesame seeds)
- roasted cucumber (black pepper, salt)
- roasted tomatoes (black pepper, salt)

- radish
- mixed leaf salad
- roasted almonds
- wild rocket

- dressing (extra virgin olive oil, balsamico, garlic, salt, black pepper)

Friday 3 August 2012

Patagonian scallops, bacon-rosemary infused butter

- patagonian scallops
- bacon-rosemary infused butter
- extra virgin olive oil
- wild rocket
- chives
- green pepper corns (ground)
- salt
- parmigiano