
Thursday 24 January 2013

Decanter's first-ever World Wine Awards 2012

Decanter's first-ever World Wine Awards 2012 consumer tasting event held at the Decanter offices in London. Over 300 award-winning wines were available to try throughout the evening. 
June 27th, 2012

Prvý ročník výberu najlepších svetových vín za rok 2012 sa konal pod záštitou Decanter-u v sídle spoločnosti v Londýne. Počas celej akcie bolo prezentovaných viac než 300 druhov vín.
27. jún 2012

Wednesday 23 January 2013

Sunday 13 January 2013

Homemade hummus with spicy sausage and roasted red pepper & mushrooms

- chickpeas
- tahini
- ground cumin
- lemon juice
- salt
- extra virgin olive oil
- parsley

to add:
- broccoli sprouts
- ground cayenne pepper
- chives

Roasted pepper and mushrooms
- red pepper
- mushrooms
- ground coriander
- black pepper
- salt
- extra virgin olive oil
- chilli

Friday 11 January 2013

Fresh brown rice

- brown rice
- chicke/vegetable stock
- pink salt

- onion
- garlic
- broccoli
- courgette
- chilli
- spicy sausage
- extra virgin olive oil
- ground cumin
- black cumin
- fennel seeds

- tomato & herb sauce with smoke paprika, smoked salt and oregano

Thursday 10 January 2013

Tiger prawns

- tiger prawns
- garlic
- thyme
- butter
- salt
- green pepper

Broccoli Quinoa soup

- broccoli
- quinoa
- onion
- extra virgin coconut oil
- ground cumin
- black pepper/chilli
- salt
- chicken/vegetable stock
- basil